
On the Receiving End

国家标准与技术研究院拨款300万美元, 工程与计算机科学学院将获得一个室内汽车天线测量系统,该系统能够进行车载全尺寸三维天线方向图测量和无线通信系统的空中测试.

A man speaking at a podium

Daniel Aloi, Ph.D., SECS研究主任和该奖项的首席研究员, 相信这笔资金将产生重大的区域和国家影响.

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

icon of a calendarDecember 20, 2023

icon of a pencilBy Arina Bokas

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Daniel Aloi, Ph.D., professor of electrical and computer engineering, SECS Director of Research, and the principal investigator for this award, 相信这笔资金将产生重大的区域和国家影响. As the only independent, multi-user, shared-use unit with this capability in the United States, AAMS will support research, development, training, 以及汽车无线通信系统的认证.

To increase safety, convenience and entertainment of vehicle occupants, 汽车行业正在积极发展无线技术. This, in turn, 创造了教育下一代汽车天线/无线通信工程师的关键需求. Additionally, vehicle-level antenna testing and wireless system testing, 开发和采用安全关键无线技术所必需的, is a complex and expensive process. Thus, a center for automotive electromagnetics research, 为研究和工业提供独立的天线/无线通信测试能力, becomes of an upmost importance.

“AAMS的收购旨在取代现有的OU天线测试仪器,该仪器已被安置在应用埃马克和无线实验室中,并成功运行和维护了15年以上. During this time, we have developed a community of users, including OU research faculty, faculty from other universities, and industry, as well as trained students, 支持各种外联和劳动力发展项目, and helped recruit new students. Due to new technology emerging in wireless communications, the current instrument can no longer support these activities,” shares Dr. Aloi, 谁将担任美国医学辅助队的首席研究员和主任, with support of Amanpreet Kaur, Ph.D., assistant professor of electrical and computer engineering.

预计AAMS将使全球导航卫星系统(GNSS)的天线设计研究成为可能。, Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X), and Cellular 5G communications. 这些地区的天线解决方案具有挑战性,因为它们覆盖了很宽的频率范围, 是否位于同一天线罩下并有严格的尺寸限制要求.  此外,下一代天线解决方案将以智能阵列的形式出现. These arrays need to be conformed and miniaturized, 同时仍然提供必要的模式覆盖和抗干扰和网络安全风险.

“随着无线系统的数量和复杂性被集成到汽车中, 需要一个过程来认证用于测量车载天线性能的aams是势在必行的. 新设备将用于研究测量误差不确定度界限和测量系统认证程序,这将成为跨aams精确车辆级APMs急需的汽车标准的基础. This will optimize the performance of cellular, GNSS和V2X无线技术提高了汽车在道路上的安全性. 我们还将利用该设备进行天线测量研究,引入新的算法, establish measurement accuracy bounds, 并与标准委员会合作制定范围认证标准,” says Dr. Aloi.


"As an indoor anechoic chamber, it will not experience weather-related down time, providing better learning opportunities for our students. 我们期望新AAMS产生的研究成果将使我们的十大菠菜台子为研究人员,并通过出版物与工业界和科学界分享他们的资金, presentations, theses, and dissertations,” says Louay M. Chamra, dean of the School of Engineering and Computer Science.

针对AAMS的首批研究工作之一是利用当前具有导电地面的室外球形近场范围和自由空间环境中的新型室内球形近场系统,在600 MHz至6 MHz之间的不同设施之间进行广泛的精度分析,000 MHz. 本研究的目的是了解车辆级半球形近场天线测量在精度方面的精度限制,并将其纳入汽车社区的范围认证程序建议.

For more information, please contact Dr. Aloi at [email protected].

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